Trumbull Pediatrics
132 Monroe Turnpike
Trumbull. CT 06611
132 Monroe Turnpike
Trumbull. CT 06611
We offer a wide range of services listed below.
Patient services:
Prenatal Visits
Lactation consultation
Well-Child Care Exams
Newborn Care
School & Sports Physicals
Vision & Hearing Screening
Sick Child Diagnosis & Treatment
Dietary/Nutrition Guidance
Developmental Assessment
ADHD diagnosis and treatment
Asthma testing
Allergy Skin Testing
Dermabond Wound Closure
Lab Testing
Ear Piercing
Complimentary prenatal classes given once a month by one of our pediatricians.The class introduces expectant parents to our practice, meet some of our pediatricians, tour our office and explain any questions
Your Prenatal class will cover:​
What to expect during each stage of labor and birth
When to leave for the hospital
Medical interventions and procedures
What you need to know about cesarean birth
Newborn procedures in your hospital
What to expect at your home with your newborn
Answers to your questions about vaccinations